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Our Experts Faculty

Ajit Shindhaye

Actor,Founder and Leadership Trainer at N-Aryan, Soft Skills Training Expert

Anand Shringarpure

NET, M.A, Economics(MU).CFP (Certified Financial Planner),M.Com(MU)

Arvindh Chandramohan

Corporate Trainer & Consultant Software Developer & Engineer Soft Skills Training Expert

Piyush Sandhane

Purpose-Driven Brand Strategist for Entrepreneurs, Author - The Employability Quoties Decoded, Speaker, Mentor

Dr. S. D. Jitendra

Associate Director - Water Soluble Composition(Asia & Africa) B.Sc., MBA - HR. LLB

Mohan Pitchumani

M.Sc., MBA Trainer For Marketing Specialization Consultant to Chemicals & Automobile Sector